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Fem Fundamentals and Chassis Design, spring 2022 course

Lecture Notes

lecture notes, as of 2021-09-07 (big endian).

:!: Errata corrige. :!:

Exam formulary.

Planar beam structure i.p. and o.o.p. loadings

The beam structure centroidal axis lies on a plane, which is also a symmetry plane for the cross-sections.

Symmetric and skew-symmetric loads with respect to such a plane are called in-plane and out-of-plane loads, respectively.

If the superposition of effects holds (e.g., if the structure behaves linearly) each load set only induces an associated subset of the possible components of internal action, see

Symmetric and skew-symm. parts of a general load

(ipe source)

A general load is applied to a symmetric structure in a); in b), c) the loads applied on each half structure is treated separately. In d), e) the action on the loaded portion is halved, and symmetrically propagated to the other portion; those symmetric actions are accumulated in the symmetric part of the load f). In g), h) the action on the loaded portion is halved, and skew-symmetrically propagated on the unloaded portion; those skew-symmetric actions are accumulated in the skew-symmetric part of the load i).

Rollbar-like frame

Quarter ladder frame chassis

OTW profile in torsion

A Phoney monocoque chassis


Suspension link trusses

Solid circular beam sections, ø12mm, aluminum. Essentially rigid with respect to other chassis structures.

Rear framework

Hollow circular section beam, aluminum.

Main structure: outer diameter ø40mm, wall thickness 1.8mm.

Stiffeners: outer diameter ø30mm, wall thickness 1.2mm.

Composite monocoque

Thicker backbone: 1.8mm aluminum sheet, 25.4mm aluminum honeycomb 3003, density 5.2 lb/ft^3 (hex-3003-td.pdf), 1.8mm aluminum sheet.

Thinner panels: 1.8mm aluminum sheet, 6.75mm same aluminum honeycomb, 1.8mm aluminum sheet.

Frontal shock absorber support plate: provisionally as thinner panels, to be defined based on shock.

Sway (anti-roll) bar

outer diameter ø25mm, wall thickness 2mm, extremely stiff (Super-alloy Z, E=E_steel*1e4, nu=0.3); it may be mechanically isolated at need by deactivating one of the connecting elements to the wheel hub carriers.

Such a “deformable but extremely stiff” linkage modeling should be discouraged in favor of an actual kinematic constraining – i.e. an MPC, since excessive stiffness badly impacts the system matrix condition number (or the integration time step, in the case of explicit dynamic simulations); nonetheless, it allowed for a very straightforward implementation.

Inertial elements modeling

The following spreadsheets are used in defining the equivalent rectangular cuboids for each inertially relevant rigid body: engine, wheel assemblies. The driver inertia is modeled through an 80 kg steel bar spanning roughly from the sternum to the pelvis.

Frontal crash absorber collapse loadcase (inertia relief)

At the element faces belonging to the crash_absorber_bearing_area set (an approx. 155×320 mm area at the front bulkhead), a 25 psi = 0,172 MPa distributed pressure is applied which is due to the honeycomb absorber crushing (see datasheet).

Sparse material


Interesting stuff

composite design manual



Reference L-shaped cross section, to verify the coupled bending formulas: maxima worksheet, Oxy and G12 oriented MSC.Marc/Mentat linear models. Large rotation, animated hiE lowE models, gif animation.

free_anticlastic_vs_cylindrical_bending.wxmx maxima worksheet for the four point bending test discussion.

quad4 Mindlin plate elementary modes.


Roller bearing questionable modeling


with respect to v002, i) I created the truss elements at the front right suspension, ii) I selected also the rotational dofs at the wheel assebly RBE2, and iii) I created the __crash_absorber_support_area face set
with respect to v004, i) materials and geometric props are associated to the two truss elements that connect the sway bar to the wheel assemblies, ii) one of those trusses is selectively deactivated in the various jobs, iii) the max along layers eq. von Mises stres is asked as a result
wikiffcd2022/start.1653479153.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2022/05/25 11:45 da ebertocchi