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wikipaom2022:start [2022/03/17 18:03] – [Quarter ladder frame chassis] ebertocchiwikipaom2022:start [2023/01/19 10:16] (versione attuale) – [Videos] ebertocchi
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 {{ :wikipaom2022:quarter_ladder_frame_paom2022z.wxmx |}} {{ :wikipaom2022:quarter_ladder_frame_paom2022z.wxmx |}}
 +===== struttura simil Halo =====
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:halo_paom2022a.wxmx |}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:halo_paom2022b.wxmx |}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:halo_paom2022c.wxmx |}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:halo_schema_momenti.jpg?linkonly |schemi statici per la determinazione dei momenti flettenti e torcenti}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:halo_v004.mud |}} {{ :wikipaom2022:halo_v007.mud |}} {{ :wikipaom2022:halo_v008.mud |}}
 +===== Other stuff =====
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:caveat_castigliano.wxmx |}}
 +**Principal orientations for beam flexure**. This {{:wikiffcd2022:l-section-largerots-hie_rotunitm.gif?linkonly|gif animation}} presents the axial stress component map as a function of the bending moment vector orientation, as evidenced by the rotating needle. 
 +It clearly appears that, for a generic (vs. e.g. circular) cross section, the neutral axis may significantly deviate from the moment vector orientation; those two directions become parallel only in correspondence of the principal directions for bending (located at [18.4°-18.5°]+N·90° for the cross section under scrutiny). The bending moment rotates of 0.1° each increment.
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:free_anticlastic_vs_cylindrical_bending.wxmx |foglio Maxima}} per calcolo risultanti momento e curvature in un esempio di piastra inflessa (provino a flessione a quattro punti).
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:modi_piastra_mindlin_v002b.pdf |}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:euler_beam_buckling_2022_noplv.wxmx |}},
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:400mm_supported_bar_v2022a.mfd |}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:400mm_supported_bar_v2022b.mfd |…b.mfd}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2022:400mm_supported_bar_v2022c.mfd |…c.mfd}}
 ===== Videos ===== ===== Videos =====
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 [[wikipaom2021:start|primavera 2021]] [[wikipaom2021:start|primavera 2021]]
 +===== Turni d'esame =====
wikipaom2022/start.1647540196.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2022/03/17 18:03 da ebertocchi