| Open the reference model named torsione_rev01_nolabile_open_vs_close.mud | | Starting from this model, the influence of the mesh size is investigated | by the evaluation of the profile torsional stiffenes both for opne and opened cross section | | KEEP IN MIND to set the correct directory where the torsione_rev01_nolabile_open_vs_close.mud is located. | |*change_directory C:\Users\manto\Documents\201819_esami\PAOM\20190404_PAOM_lab |*open_model C:\Users\manto\Documents\201819_esami\PAOM\20190404_PAOM_lab\torsione_rev01_nolabile_open_vs_close.mud |=================================== | SAVE THE FILE WITH A NEW NAME | torsione_rev01_nolabile_open_vs_close.mud |=================================== *save_as_model C:\Users\manto\Documents\201819_esami\PAOM\20190404_PAOM_lab\torsione_rev01_nolabile_open_vs_close_mesh_convergence.mud yes |=================================== | DUPLICATE MODEL | the opened and the close profiles will be duplicated four times | and witha distance of 200 mm defined along the Y direction | from the reference models | left-hand side:closed section profiles | right-hand side: opened section profiles |=================================== *set_duplicate_translations *set_duplicate_translation y -200 *set_duplicate_repetitions 4 *duplicate_combined all_existing |=================================== | MESH REFINEMENT adopting the | MESH GENERATION:SUBDIVIDE menu | bisection ratio along any directions |=================================== | Model_0: avg. element size = 20 mm (reference mesh) --> y-coordinate range [ -59, +59] | Model_1: avg. element size = 10 mm --> y-coordinate range [-259, -141] | Model_2: avg. element size = 5 mm --> y-coordinate range [-459, -341] | Model_3: avg. element size = 2.5 mm --> y-coordinate range [-659, -541] | Model_4: avg. element size = 1.25 mm --> y-coordinate range [-859, -741] |=================================== *sub_divisions 2 2 2 |=================================== | First subdivision applied to the elements | associated to the Model_1, Model_2, Model_3 and Model_4 | by box method selection |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_elements -1000 1000 -1000 -140 -1000 1000 *subdivide_elements all_selected |=================================== | Second subdivision applied to the elements | associated to the Model_2, Model_3 and Model_4 | by box method selection |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_elements -1000 1000 -1000 -340 -1000 1000 *subdivide_elements all_selected |=================================== | Third subdivision applied to the elements | associated to the Model_3 and Model_4 | by box method selection |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_elements -1000 1000 -1000 -540 -1000 1000 *subdivide_elements all_selected |=================================== | Fourth subdivision applied to the elements | associated to the Model_4 | by box method selection |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_elements -1000 1000 -1000 -740 -1000 1000 *subdivide_elements all_selected |=================================== | SWEEP NODES - DUPLICATE DUE TO THE ELEMENTS SUBDIVIDE; | WITHOUT REMOVING THE LATERAL CRACK OF THE OPEN SECTION (left-hand side models) | the tolerance (t) must be: | lower then the crack size (0.1); | lower than the minimum elements size (1.25); | therefore t < 0.1 | I consider a tolerance value equal to 0.05 |=================================== *set_sweep_tolerance 0.05 *sweep_nodes all_existing *select_clear |=================================== | CHECK THE COMMAND PROMPT | Deleting 42191 duplicate nodes! | Deleting 0 collapsed elements! |=================================== |=================================== | UPDATE RBE2 TIED NODES | FOR EACH PROFILE |=================================== | Model_1 avg element size = 10 mm, open | rbe2_3 | keep in mind to remove the retained node | from the nodes selected by box method | finally updated the tied nodes related the profile |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes -20 20 -260 -140 39.9 40.1 *select_method_box *select_mode_except *select_nodes -0.1 0.1 -200.1 -199.9 39.9 40.1 *edit_rbe2 rbe2_3 *add_rbe2_tied_nodes all_selected |=================================== | Model_1 avg element size = 10 mm, close | rbe2_7 | keep in mind to remove the retained node | from the nodes selected by box method | finally updated the tied nodes related the profile |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes 80 120 -260 -140 39.9 40.1 *select_method_box *select_mode_except *select_nodes 99.9 100.1 -200.1 -199.9 39.9 40.1 *edit_rbe2 rbe2_7 *add_rbe2_tied_nodes all_selected |=================================== |=================================== | Model_2 avg element size = 5 mm, open | rbe2_4 | keep in mind to remove the retained node | from the nodes selected by box method | finally updated the tied nodes related the profile |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes -20 20 -460 -340 39.9 40.1 *select_method_box *select_mode_except *select_nodes -0.1 0.1 -400.1 -399.9 39.9 40.1 *edit_rbe2 rbe2_4 *add_rbe2_tied_nodes all_selected |=================================== | Model_2 avg element size = 5 mm, close | rbe2_8 | keep in mind to remove the retained node | from the nodes selected by box method | finally updated the tied nodes related the profile |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes 80 120 -460 -340 39.9 40.1 *select_method_box *select_mode_except *select_nodes 99.9 100.1 -400.1 -399.9 39.9 40.1 *edit_rbe2 rbe2_8 *add_rbe2_tied_nodes all_selected |=================================== |=================================== | Model_3 avg element size = 2.5 mm, open | rbe2_5 | keep in mind to remove the retained node | from the nodes selected by box method | finally updated the tied nodes related the profile |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes -20 20 -660 -540 39.9 40.1 *select_method_box *select_mode_except *select_nodes -0.1 0.1 -600.1 -599.9 39.9 40.1 *edit_rbe2 rbe2_5 *add_rbe2_tied_nodes all_selected |=================================== | Model_3 avg element size = 2.5 mm, close | rbe2_9 | keep in mind to remove the retained node | from the nodes selected by box method | finally updated the tied nodes related the profile |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes 80 120 -660 -540 39.9 40.1 *select_method_box *select_mode_except *select_nodes 99.9 100.1 -600.1 -599.9 39.9 40.1 *edit_rbe2 rbe2_9 *add_rbe2_tied_nodes all_selected |=================================== |=================================== | Model_4 avg element size = 1.25 mm, open | rbe2_6 | keep in mind to remove the retained node | from the nodes selected by box method | finally updated the tied nodes related the profile |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes -20 20 -860 -740 39.9 40.1 *select_method_box *select_mode_except *select_nodes -0.1 0.1 -800.1 -799.9 39.9 40.1 *edit_rbe2 rbe2_6 *add_rbe2_tied_nodes all_selected |=================================== | Model_4 avg element size = 1.25 mm, close | rbe2_10 | keep in mind to remove the retained node | from the nodes selected by box method | finally updated the tied nodes related the profile |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes 80 120 -860 -740 39.9 40.1 *select_method_box *select_mode_except *select_nodes 99.9 100.1 -800.1 -799.9 39.9 40.1 *edit_rbe2 rbe2_10 *add_rbe2_tied_nodes all_selected |=================================== |=================================== | UPDATE BCs at the skew-symm plane | FOR EACH PROFILE |=================================== | select the nodes lying at plane xy with z=0 | by adopting the box method |=================================== *select_clear *select_method_box *select_mode_and *select_nodes -1000 1000 -1000 1000 -0.1 0.1 |=================================== | applyed the skew-symmetry condition to these nodes |=================================== *edit_apply skew_symm_xy *add_apply_nodes all_selected *select_clear |=================================== | SUBMIT MODEL |=================================== *check_job *update_job *submit_job 1 *monitor_job *save_model |=================================== | RESULTS:REACTION MOMENT Z |=================================== |MODEL |ELEM SIZE [mm] | OPEN | CLOSE | |_0 |20 | 22351.90 | 1.39025E+7 | |_1 |10 | 22309.40 | 1.39024E+7 | |_2 |5 | 22234.70 | 1.39024E+7 | |_3 |2.5 | 22129.00 | 1.39023E+7 | |_4 |1.25 | 22038.40 | 1.39022E+7 | |===================================