Clear the memory, or, kill all the variable definitions kill( all ) ; equilibrium equations for the quarter (simplified) ladder frame chassis eqtX : UA = 0 ; eqtY : VD = 0 ; eqtZ : WA + WD - F = 0; eqrOX : - F * c + WD * b + ThetaD = 0; eqrOY : PhiA - WA*a + F*a = 0; eqrOZ : 0 = 0 ; define a list of equations and a list of unknowns eqlst : [ eqtX , eqtY , eqtZ , eqrOX , eqrOY , eqrOZ ] ; unlst : [ UA , WA , PhiA , VD , WD, ThetaD ]; solve the linear system of equations linsolve( eqlst , unlst ) ; there is one dependent equation, so I'm unable to solve the problem of obtaining all the reaction forces/moments by equilibrium alone unlst_red : [ UA , WA , PhiA , VD , WD]; Solution of the system of linear equation and assignemtn to the variables in one step. linsolve(eqn,[x_1,..x_n]), globalsolve = true; linsolve( eqlst , unlst_red ) , globalsolve = true ; we now define the cross section resultants for the D->B beam, as a function of the s = 0 ... a arclength coordinate directions x and y constitute an in-section reference system. traslation equilibrium along direction z N:0; traslation equilibrium along direction x and y Sx and Sy are the shear forces acting at the shear center (Point C) Sx: -VD; Sy: -WD; N acts at the centroid of section (Point G) N : 0 $ Sx : -VD; Sy : -WD; equilibrium with respect to rotation along the (G,x) axis linsolve(Mfx + WD * s = 0, Mfx ), globalsolve = true ; linsolve(Mfy - VD * s = 0, Mfy ), globalsolve = true ; torque must be evaluated by the equilibrium along the axis z at the shear center. linsolve(Mt + ThetaD - WD * e = 0, Mt), globalsolve = true ; we now evaluate the internal strain energy for the DB beam Kt coincides with Jp for circular or hollowed circular cross-section. U : integrate ( ( Jyy * Mfy^2 + Jxx * Mfx^2 + 2*J12 * Mfx*Mfy )/( 2*E*(Jxx*Jyy-Jxy^2) ) + N^2/2/E/A + ( chix * Sx^2 + chiy * Sy^2 + chixy * Sx * Sy )/( 2*G*A ) + Mt^2 / 2 / G/ ( Kt ) , s , 0 , a ); The strain energy is now known as a quadratic function of F and ThetaD We recur to the Castigliano's second theorem to obtain the rotation at D, component x thetaD : diff( U , ThetaD ) ; we now force that rotation to be zero in order to reinstate the kinematic compatibility with respect to the skew-symmetry constraint acting in D. linsolve ( thetaD = 0 , ThetaD ) , globalsolve = true; I now redefine the internal strain energy as a function of F alone, i.e. I now force a substitution of the expression above within U U : ev( U )$ We employ Castigliano theorem again to obtain the deflection of the quarter ladder frame chassis at the application point of the external force F delta : diff( U , F )$ we now evaluate from delta the torsional stiffness (ts) of the chassis; the deflection delta of the whole chassis, supported at three wheel centers and loaded at the fourth, is four times delta. ts : fullratsimp( (F * (2*c)^2) / ( 4 * delta ) ) ;